Translation of the song Savrsena artist Eldorado
The perfect one
-Ti si jedina i prava koja moze da me skonta,
You´re the only and real, you can understand me
smisao,nacin i koncepcija zivota,
meaning, way and concepion of the life
tako primas sve ka srcu i bez razloga se ljutis
you´re so sensible and you´re angry with no reason
ali ne znam zasto mislis da su svi muskarci grubi.
but I don´t know why you think that all men are rough
Imas takvo telo kakvo svaka zena hoce
you have the body like any woman wants to have
cak i moja bivsa cura okrene se kada prodjes,
even my ex-girlfriend turns to you when you pass
ali nisi vrsta klinke koje samo su za provod
but you´re not the kind of girl just for fun
vec te oci pune sjaja hranis duhovnom lepotom.
you feed those eyes full of shine with your spiritual beauty
To je tako lepo,pravih cura sve je redje,
that is so nice, the right girls are rare
u gradu gde ih promenis po tri za jedno vece,
in the town when you change three of them in one night
a ja priznajem da ludim kad te setaju drugari
and I admit that I´m going crazy when you walk with my friends
i stalno ponavaljas ta sranja kako muzika me kvari,
and you repeat all time that shit that music makes me worst
znam da nisam slatkoreciv
I know that I´m not honeymouthed
al' tu buru osecanja nekad ne mogu da sprecim,
but that gale of feelings I can´t stop
a kad gresim onda gresim i previsem sam nadmen,
but when I´m wrong then I´m wrong and I´m too much domineering
pa to pomirenje padne uvek ispred tvoje zgrade.
so that reconciliation always happens in front of your building
REF 2x
Ne volim te dane kad si bespotrebno tuzna,
I don´t like those days when you´re sad with no reason
i kada zelis silom da me izvuces iz drustva,
and when you want me get out of the company by force
to je vise nego glupo,ja te citam ko u prozi
it´s more than stupid, I read you like a book
i kad s' drugovima sedim uvek odbijem ti poziv.
and when I´m sitting with my friends I rejact your call
Ljubomorni vetar cesto iscrta ti tugu,
jelaous wind often draw you a sadness
sumnjas u prazno kako jurim neku drugu,
you doubt in vane how I chasing another girl
ljubav ne moze da stane ako imamo slobode
love can´t stop if we have a freedom
to je nesto kao plamen koji ne preza od vode.
it´s like a flame which isn´t afraid of water
Trazio sam savrsenu koju cu da volim,
I was looking for a perfect one which I´ll love
sada savrseno tvrdim,savrsenstvo ne postoji,
now I claim perfectly that perfection doesn´t exist
Bog ce biti svedok da si moja duga prica
God will be a witness that you´re my long story
i na kraju mozda shvatis da sam bio posten igrac.
and in the end you might understand that I was fair player
Posesivno bice koje nema veci domet
a possessive being that hasn´t greater range
kad izmesa do pice,znas da nazvace te opet
when he spirs to the pizza, you know that he´ll call you
ja nazalost nisam takav pa ti zelim srecan put,
unfortunately, I´m not like that, so I want you happy trop
jer sa mnogo malo riba posle veze budem drug.
because I´m friend with very few girls after relationship