Translation of the song Telo puno ožiljaka artist Eldorado


Telo puno ožiljaka

English translation

A body with lots of bruises

Milion stvari me steže sebi uzimam dane

Million things are pressing me, I'm taking the days for myself

Zore me prate kad ležim a svima trebaju pare

The dawns are following me when I'm laying down, but everybody needs money

Ne mogu nigde da bežim pa idu rime iz glave

I can escape nowhere so the rhymes are going out of the head

Telefon avio režim, pojačaj malo vokale

Airplane mode on mobile phone, volume up the vocals

Ispred mene je greben, pogled nije mi leden

A ridge is in front of me, my look is not icy

Svojim noktima grebem da pijem jedem i jebem

I'm scratching with my nails to drink, eat and f*ck

Ma samo zahvalim Bogu, ispunjena su srca

I just thank God, the hearts are fulfilled

Što mi otvori oči sa prvim zracima sunca

Who opens my eyes when first sunrays are getting up

Jebeš evre i pare svi u velikom stresu

F*ck euros and money, everyone is stressed

Čuvaj ljubav i zdravlje, kevu, ćaleta, sestru

Protect love and health, mom, dad, sister

Kažem svašta u besu kad me stigne nervoza

I say so many things when I'm in a rage, when nervousness reaches me

Cepam brojku na dresu, psujem trenera, pozdrav

I'm tearing up the number on a jersey, cursing the coach, salute

Onda vratim se gajbi, svoje spotove gledam

Then I come back home, watching my music videos

Sam u sopstvenoj glavi, protiv sebe na megdan

In my own head, fighting against myself

Nema filozofskih dela ni praznih teorema

There are no philosophical acts nor empty theorems

Zanima me šta si spreman kad na stolu hleba nema

I wonder what are you ready for when there's no bread on a table



Neke stvari brzo prolaze

Some things are passing quickly

Gluposti se naprave iz odmazde

Nonsenses are done because of retribution

Lete meci, nemaš dokaze

The bullets are flying, you don't have proof

Uspeh je da normalan se ostane

Success is to stay normal

Neke prilike su opasne

Some opportunities are dangerous

Telo puno ožiljaka ostaje

A body with lots of bruises remains

Pobedu sam video kroz poraze

I saw victory through defeats

U ringu mora da se opstane

You have to survive in the ring

Moji drugovi su karali uz buksnu

My friends were f*cking with a blunt

Dok me stariji vodnik stalno karo na dežurstvu

While the elderly sergeant f*cked me during the duty shift

Trpećeš i radićeš, privatnici vuku

You're going to work and suffer, the private owners are pulling

Tone i vagoni su mi prešli preko ruku

Tons and wagons went over my arms

Studenti na ekserima nenormalno lude

Drugged students are going crazy

Roditelji šalju im za menzu i račune

Parents are sending them money for food and bills

Surova su dela kad čoveku fali obzir

The acts are cruel when a person needs regard

Pošalju ti platu da se našibaš i voziš

They send wage to you to get drunk and drive

Znanje je u knjigama, praksa i rutina

Knowledge is in the books, practice and routine

Slušao sam starije al’ ne idem za njima

I was listening to older people but I'm not following their path

Ulica je kul, posle smene dva piva

A street is cool, two beers after the shift

Al’ nema zadržavanja tu nije perspektiva

But don't stay for too long because the perspective is not there

Jebiga moju borbu niko ne vidi, ne brini

F*ck it, no one sees my struggle, don't worry,

Bitno je da pokloni su predivni

It's important that the gifts are beautiful

Nema me u kraju nisam svraćao

I'm not in the hood, I didn't come by

Kazaljke i dane ne bih vraćao

I would not bring the hours and days back



Neke stvari brzo prolaze

Some things are passing quickly

Gluposti se naprave iz odmazde

Nonsenses are done because of retribution

Lete meci, nemaš dokaze

The bullets are flying, you don't have proof

Uspeh je da normalan se ostane

Success is to stay normal

Neke prilike su opasne

Some opportunities are dangerous

Telo puno ožiljaka ostaje

A body with lots of bruises remains

Pobedu sam video kroz poraze

I saw victory through defeats

U ringu mora da se opstane

You have to survive in the ring

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