Translation of the song Neko je tu artist Slađana Milošević
Neko je tu
There's Someone Here
Zatvaram prozor i lustere,
I shut down the window and chandeliers
roletne spustam iz navike,
I put down the blinds out of the habit,
plaši me skripa zidova ,
I am scared of the squeaks of the walls,
macije oci po uglovima,
cats' eyes in the corners.
udarci srca po potiljku ,
I feel heartbeats in my occiput,
nesto se krece u podrumu,
something's moving in the cellar,
lezim na podu udisem noc,
I lay down on the floor, breathing the night in
senke se penju po prozoru.
the shadows climb on the window.
Neko je tu osecam sad sa mnom u sobi,
There's someone here, I feel it now, with me in the room,
osecam strah neko je tu
I feel fear, there's someone here
Zima mi spava u kostima,
Winter sleeps in my bones
uglavi samac u gostima,
There is a sole person as a guest in my head,
navlacim zavese okrecem kljuc,
I pull the curtains on, I turn the key
plasim se svojih koraka,
I am scared of my steps.
necu da gutam pilule,
I will not swallow the pills,
one mi ne bi pomogle,
they would not be helpful,
prazna me soba grize za vrat,
the empty room bites my neck
dira me hladnim prstima.
it touches me with its cold fingers
Neko je tu osecam sad sa mnom u sobi,
There's someone here, I feel it now, with me in the room,
osecam strah neko je tu
I feel fear, there's someone here