Translation of the song Понекад artist Slađana Milošević



English translation


Понекад желим да си дуга

Sometimes I wish you were a rainbow

што после кише свој вине лук.

that spreads its arch after the rain.

Понекад жалим што си туга

Sometimes I lament that you are a sorrow,

и ништа више до неми звук.

and nothing else but a mute sound.

Понекад сумњам да си нестао ти,

Sometimes I suspect that you've disappeared,

Понекад лебдиш собом мојом к'о дим,

sometimes you float through my room, like smoke.

Понекад мислим да си магла

Sometimes I think that you're fog

и сенка с којом ја сама бдим.

and a shadow that I am on watch with all alone.

Ти нечујно дођеш, чујем те ја,

You come with no sound, but I hear you,

невидљиво прођеш крај мога сна,

You invisibly pass by my dream,

заборављаш често да оставиш траг.

forgetting very often to leave your mark.

Ал' ипак живиш чак у лишћу којим ветар

But you still live in the leaves with which,

стари мој, засипа траг.

the wind covers the steps, my old.

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