Scoala iar a inceput
School has started once again
Toti confuzi suntem acum
And we are all confused now
Un an plin in fata-aveti
A whole year ahead of you
Sa demonstrati tot ce puteti
So show off what you can do
Sa-i ascultati
Your teachers
Temele sa le-nvatati
Do your homework, study well
Cu staruinta sa munciti
Put good faith in your hard work
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
Ordonati in clasa fiti
Be organised in the classroom
Cartile pregatiti
Prepare all of your textbooks
Cei mai buni in tot sa fiti
Be the best in everything
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
Timp de joaca sa aveti
Set aside some time for play
Sa fiti tare glumeti
Be real funny when you can
Glume bune sa aveti
Keep some jokes always on hand
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
Pe toti voi sa respectati
Everybody you'll respect
Fapte bune aplicati
Good deeds we will expect
Exemple bun la toti sa dati
Give good examples to everyone
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
Fii mai bun in tot ce faci
Be better in all you do
Cunostiinte aprofundati
Lots of study you should go through
Cu pasiune sa-nvatati
Study with a lot of passion
Ce Profesorii spun!
What do the teachers say!
Parintii vor sa invatati
Your parent want you to learn
In viata sa va aranjati
So you can arrange and earn
Un viitor mai bun s-aveti
To get a future much more good
Fericirea s-o gasiti
So you find your happiness
E important
It's important
La caracter mai bun sa fiti
Elevate your character
Din greu muncind
With much hard work
Si asudand
And elbow grease
Cele mai bune carti citi-i-i-ind
The best books you should just re-e-e-ead
Bibilioteca vizitind
The library vi-si-ting
Pe-acasa ajutand
At home lending a hand
Experienta adunand
Accumulate experience
Exemple voi fiind
Become examples
Colegii ajutand
Help your classmates
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
Capriciile evitati
Avoid all vices
Curajosi, imbarbatati
Have courage, be manly
Voie buna-mprastiati
Good will spread all about
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
Curiosi mereu sa fiti
Always have curiosity
Tot cei rau sa ocoliti
Everything bad avoiding
Cei mai buni prieteni fiti
The best buddies you will be
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
De dragoste sa nu uitati
Don't forget about the love
Exemplu bun la toti sa dati
Give everyone good example
Sufletul va incarcati
Charge your soul up while you're at it
Ce Profesorii spun,
What do the teachers say,
Putin vorbesti si mult sa faci
Say few things but do a lot
Cu cumpatare va purtati
With caution carry yourself
Exemplu bun la toti sa dati
Give everyone a good example
Ce Profesorii spun!
What do the teachers say!