Translation of the song I teče, teče vrijeme artist Josipa Lisac
I teče, teče vrijeme
And the Time Flies By
Posljednja ulica, posljednji krov,
The last street, the last roof,
posljednja svjetla grada.
the last city lights.
Stojim na raskršću tužna i sama,
I stand on the crossroads sad and lonely
i pitam se, kuda sada.
And ask myself: Where to now?
Želim da nađem nekakav put,
I want to find some way
koji će povest' me k tebi.
that will take me to you.
Htjela bih čuti opet tvoj smijeh,
I would like to hear your laughter again
kad te privinem k sebi.
when I hold you again.
O, teče, teče vrijeme,
Oh, the time flies, flies by,
i idu, i idu sati.
and the hours pass.
Nekome zaborav nose,
They bring oblivion to someone
a netko vječno pati.
and someone suffers eternally.
I teče, teče vrijeme,
And the time flies, flies by
i idu, idu sati.
and the hours pass.
Netko ne dođe nikada,
Someone never arrive,
a netko se ipak vrati.
and someone yet returns.
Dan prije rastanka bili smo tu,
A day before breaking up we were here
sjećam se kao sada.
I remember it, like it was now.
Rek'o si mirno: „Kad izgubiš sve,
You told me calmly: When you loose everything,
ipak će ostati nada”.
the hope will remain.
Jer teče, teče vrijeme…
Because the time flies, flies by...