Jučer još bezbrižno su tekli dani svi
Yesterday still all the days went by without a care in the world
Nikad nisam ni pomišljala
I never even thought
Da živjet ću od prošlosti
I'd be living on past
Odjednom samu sebe ne prepoznajem
Suddenly, I don't recognize myself
Nekad sretne žene samo sjen
Just a shadow of a once happy woman
Bez osmijeha na licu svom
Without a smile on her face
Sad znam zašto ode
Now I know why he went away
Al je kasno već
But it's already late
Reko' nešto ružno
I said something wrong
Što nisam htjela reć
What I didn't mean to say
Jučer još činilo se tako lako sve
Yesterday still everything seemed so easy
Danas, kad se na me ruši svijet,
Today, when the world crashes over me,
Znam, ostaje mi prošlost tek
I know, I'm stuck with nothing but the past
Danas kad se na me ruši svijet,
Today, when the world crashes over me,
Ostaje mi prošlost tek
I'm stuck with nothing but the past
Jučer još... jučer, jučer
Yesterday still... yesterday, yesterday