Translation of the song Kapetane moj artist Josipa Lisac
Kapetane moj
My Captain
Već dugo me puštaš gledat niz pučinu,
For a long time now you keep making me look at open sea,
I proklinjat sreću koju more nosi,
And curse the hapiness brought by the sea,
Darujuć mi puste i besane noći,
Bestowing me with long and sleepless nights,
Gdje mi tuga plete svud srebro po kosi,
While the sadness weaves silver all over my hair,
Kapetane moj.
My captain
Znam, tebi je more prva ljubav bila,
I know, the sea was your first big love,
A ja sam tek bljesak značila u mraku,
And I was just a flare in the dark,
Da bih, kad se magla ispred broda digla,
So I would, when the fog clears out in front of the ship,
Ostala k'o pjena na njegovom tragu,
Be left as the foam on it's trail,
Kapetane moj.
My captain....
I starim tako sama od broda do broda,
And I grow old, so alone, ship to ship,
U želji da te zagrlim, izljubim,
Wishing I could embrace you, kiss you everywhere,
Iako dobro znadem da svakim te danom
Although I very well know that with each day,
Sa brazdom broda nepovratno gubim.
I'm losing you ireversibly with the ship's trail
Al kad se bez želja doma k meni vratiš,
And when you come home, empty from all wishes, to me -
Toj posljednjoj luci što te mirno čeka,
The last harbour that peacefully awaits you
Ni spaziti nećeš da uz tebe nije
You won't even notice that beside you is no longer
Ona mlada žena, već starica neka,
That same young woman, but some old lady,
Kapetane moj.
My captain
Iako dobro znadem da svakim te danom
Although I very well know that with each day,
Sa brazdom broda nepovratno gubim.
I'm losing you ireversibly with the ship's trail