Translation of the song Krenule su lađe artist Josipa Lisac


Krenule su lađe

English translation

The Boats Are On Their Way

Već krenule su lađe,

The boats are already on their way

u neki novi svijet.

To some new world

U luci zvona zvone,

Bells are ringing in the harbor

ko' barka ljeto tone.

Summer is sinking like a boat

Pusto je nebo i kišni grad,

The sky is lonely and city is rainy

i prazno more ispred nas.

And sea is empty before us

Već krenule su lađe,

The boats are already on their way

a htjeli smo i mi.

And we wanted that too

I posljednja se sprema,

And the last boat is getting ready

al' mjesta na njoj nema.

But there's no room on it

Snovi će naši stići nju,

Our dreams will catch it

al' uvijek ostat ćemo tu.

But we will always stay here

Ovaj je grad sve što imaš,

This city is all you have

ova luka, život moj.

This harbor, my life

Sad sve što tražiš,

Now all you are looking for

moraš naći u njoj.

You must find in her

I nećeš znati drugu ljubav,

And you will not know another love

osim ove što ti dam.

But the one I give to you

Al' ko' i ja jednog dana,

But like myself one day,

bit ćeš sretan, to znam.

You will be happy, I know that

Već dugo plove lađe,

Boats are sailing for a long time

jer dalek im je put,

Because they have to go a long way

a sve što se čuje,

And all that can be heard are

da prate ih oluje.

The storms following them

Neznana mora i kišna noć,

Strange seas and a rainy night

al' one sigurno će doć.

But they will surely come

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