Translation of the song Pismo artist Josipa Lisac



English translation

A letter

Željela bih iz tvojih usta saznat sve!

I would want to find out everything from you!

O njoj i tebi...

About her and yourself...

Ući u sve vaše tajne koje nikom, nikom rekli ne bi...

Enter all of your secrets you would tell to no one, no one...

Reci! Kakvo lice ima?

Tell me! What kind of a face does she have?

Je li bijele meke puti?

Does she have a white soft complexion?

Da li često priča s tobom?

Does she talk to you often?

Ili ko' i ja - samo šuti?

Or like I do - just keeps quiet?

Dal' je stvarno tako mlada kao što mi kažu drugi?

Is she really as young as others tell me she is?

Dok zamišljam vas zagrljene, dani su mi dugi, dugi.

While I picture two of you hugging, my days are long, long.

Mučno dugi! Mmmm...

Sickly long! Mmmm...

Da li s njom si strastven tako nakon dva tri oštra pića?

Are you so oassionate with her after two three short drinks?

Je li zbilja tako dobra kao što se o njoj priča?

Is she really as good as it is being told of her?

Dal' te voli, dal' je nježna?

Does she love you, is she tender?

Vjeruj, nije mi svejedno.

Believe me, it's not all the same for me.

Dal'si opet tako sretan kao što si bio jednom?

Are you again as happy as you once were?



Bilo je to jednom

It was once

Nedovršen san, san o sreći

An unfinshed dream, a dream of happiness

A od svega ostale su samo riječi

And only words remined out of everything

Samo riječi

Only words

Nas dvije smo tako same, inače smo dobro, hvala

Two of us are so alone, otherwise we're fine, thank you

Mislim da sve razumije premda je još tako mala

I think she understands everything although she is still so young

Radoznale njene oči u stopu me svuda prate

Her curious eyes closely follow me everywhere

Svaki pogled, svaka kretnja, sve me više sjeća na te

Each glance, each move, she reminds me of you more and more

Ponekad mi iznenada šapne da joj nedostaješ

Sometimes she suddenly whispers to me that she misses you

Time što te takvog pamti, još joj uvijek mnogo daješ

By remembering you so, you still give a lot to her



Bilo je to jednom

It was once

Nedovršen san, san o sreći

An unfinshed dream, a dream of happiness

A od svega ostale su samo riječi

And only words remined out of everything

Samo riječi

Only words

Dal' je isto vodiš sobom na sva svoja putovanja?

Do you also take her to all your trips?

O Veneciji i Firenci ja još uvijek često, često sanjam

About Venice and Florence I still often, often dream

Još sam jednom bila tamo, iz radoznalosti čisto

Once more I went there, out of pure curiosity

Da sudbinu izazovem, al'ništa ništa nije bilo isto

To dare the destiny, but nothing, nothing was the same

Naša prošlost lomila se kao crteži na staklu

Our past was breaking like drawings made on glass

Jednom još proživjela sam našu ljubav ko' kroz maglu

Once more I lived through our love like in a mist

Dok ovako s tobom pričam, ja izmišljam svoju sreću

While I talk to you this way, I make up my happiness

Moj je život ovo pismo koje niti poslat neću

My life is this letter which I won't even send



Bilo je to jednom

It was once

Nedovršen san, san o sreći x2

An unfinshed dream, a dream of happiness x2

Jednom (jednom

Once (once)

Bilo je to jednom (jednom)

It was once (once)

Nedovršen san, san o sreći (jednom) x4

An unfinshed dream, a dream of happiness (once) x4

O sreći o sreći o sreći

Of happiness, of happiness, of happiness

Al'ostale su riječi

But words remained

Jednom (jednom

Once (once)

Bilo je to jednom (jednom)

It was once (once)

Nedovršen san, san o sreći (jednom) x4

An unfinshed dream, a dream of happiness (once) x4

Ostale su riječi, riječi, samo riječi, samo riječi

Words remained, words, only words, only words

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