Translation of the song Plačem artist Josipa Lisac
I'm Crying
Plačem. Samo ne znam zašto…
I'm crying. I just don't know why...
Možda nešto slutim sad?
Maybe I'm suspecting something now?
Jer otkad nije tu,
Because since he's been gone,
više ne znam što ni kud…
I don't know anymore anything...
Same crne, strašne misli
Only dark, scary thoughts
prate me svud.
folllow me everywhere.
Plačem. On je sada tko zna s kim…
I'm crying. He's now with God knows whom...
Negdje, možda sretan s njom?
Somewhere, maybe happy with her?
Jer teško teče dan,
Because day is passing hard,
kad je čovjek sasvim sam,
when a man is all alone,
i tada lako, tako lako
and then he easily, so easily
zaboravlja, znam.
forgets, I know.
Kroz ovu gluhu noć
Throughout this dead of night
da mi čuje bar glas,
if he could only ehar my voice,
u času kad naš svijet
in the moment when our world
ruši se na nas
collapses onto us?
Al' daleko smo sad -
But we're far away now -
kao pakao i raj…
like heaven and hell...
U svom grlu gušim krik:
I muffle a scream in my throat:
To je naš kraj!
That's our end!