Translation of the song Postao si drugi čovjek artist Josipa Lisac


Postao si drugi čovjek

English translation

You Became Another Man

Postao si drugi čovjek,

You became another man,

ne znam dal' to znaš?

I don't know if you know that?

Svaka riječ iz tvojih usta,

Every word from your mouth,

sve je čista laž;

they're all just clearly lies;

nešto grubo, nepoznato,

something harsh, unknown,

u tvom oku sjaj...

it shines in your eye...

takvoga te nikad prije

I never knew you that side

nisam znala ja.

of you before.

Postao si drugi čovjek,

You became another man,

meni sasvim stran,

a complete stranger to me,

čovjek koji dovoljan je

a man who is okay

sada sebi sam:

being by himself:

sva ta pusta obećanja,

all of those empty promises,

nježne riječi te...

those gentle words...

ne znam zašto, iznenada -

I don't know why, all of the sudden -

nestalo je sve.

they all disappeared.

Onaj kog sam nekad znala,

That man that I once knew,

nisi više ti.

you're not him anymore.

Dvoje sretno zaljubljenih

We're not

nismo više mi.

two people in love anymore.

Onaj kojeg ljubila sam,

That man that I kissed,

nestao je, znam...

he disappeared, I know...

ostala je uspomena,

he remained as a memory,

ostao je san.

he remained as a dream.

Postao si drugi čovjek,

You became another man,

vidim to i znam.

I see that and I know.

Ovaj zid si među nama

You built this wall

podigao sam...

between us yourself...

da smo sad na pragu mržnje,

we are now at the doorstep of hatred,

tko je tome kriv?

who's the one at fault for that?

Što je to što u ljude uđe?

What is that that enters people,

ne zna nitko živ

no one alive knows?

Postao si drugi čovjek,

You became another man,

netko meni stran.

a complete stranger to me.

Čovjek kojeg ljubila sam -

A man that I kissed -

još je samo san.

he's still just a dream.

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