Translation of the song Srela sam se s njim artist Josipa Lisac
Srela sam se s njim
I met with him
Otkad se desilo čudo
Since a miracle happened
Živjet želim srcem svim
I want to live with all my heart.
Mijenja me to osjećanje ludo,
I've been changed by this insane sensation
Srela sam se s njim.
I met with him.
Ljubav je broj koji gubi
Love is a losing number,
Već sam živjela s tim
I lived with it already.
Odjednom svijet sasvim nov se budi
Suddenly new world is awakening
Srela sam se s njim.
I met with him.
Reci otkud svjetlost koja sja u oku tvom
Do tell where from this light in your eyes arise
Reci, otkrij tajnu koja krije se u tom.
Do tell, unveil the secret that hides behind.
O, znam samo jedno
Oh, only one thing I know
Prvi put sam sretna ja
I'm happy for the first time
I sve je tako stvarno
And everything is so real,
On je tajna ta.
He's that mystery.
Otkad se desilo čudo
Since a miracle happened
Živjet želim srcem svim
I want to live with all my heart.
Mijenja me to osjećanje ludo
I've been changed by this insane sensation
Srela sam se s njim.
I met with him.
Reci kamo dalje, kojim putem treba poc
Do tell where to go from here, what road to take
Koju zvijezdu slijedit u tu dugu tamnu noc.
Which star to follow in this long dark night?
O, svoj put do sreće
Oh, one road to happiness
Svatko mora naći sam.
One needs to find himself.
Moj je dio neba
My part of the skies
Pored njega, znam.
Is beside him, I know.
Otkad se desilo čudo
Since a miracle happened
Živjet želim srcem svim
I want to live with all my heart.
Mijenja me to osjećanje ludo,
I've been changed by this insane sensation
Srela sam se s njim.
I met with him.
Ljubav je broj koji gubi
Love is a losing number,
Već sam živjela s tim
I lived with it already.
Odjednom svijet sasvim nov se budi
Suddenly new world is awakening
Srela sam se s njim.
I met with him.