Translation of the song Što me čini sretnim artist Josipa Lisac
Što me čini sretnim
What Makes Me Happy
Ima negdje jedan grad
There's a city somewhere
svjetlosti pun
that is full of light
ima negdje jedan dom
there's a home somewhere
radosti pun
that is full of joy
Jedan čovjek živi tu
One man lives here
neka tajna mu je ime
some secret is his name
jedno dijete živi tu
one kid lives here
taj se čovjek igra s njime
that man is playing with him
Jedan prizor posve star
If a scene, completely old
ako sliči dodam cvijeća
looks alike, I'll add a flower
ali svaka mala stvar
but every small thing
bit će dosta da se sjećam
will be enough for me to remember
To je ono što me čini sretnom
That's what makes me happy
to je ono što mi snage da
that's what gives me power
Morem plovi jedan brod
I'm sailing a ship over the sea
nekud na jug
somewhere to the south
s njime plovi život naš
our life is sailing with it
uvijek u krug
always in a circle
Ali svaka mala stvar
But every small thing
u tom domu toplo veče
in that small home is a warm evening
i taj život tako star
and that life that is so old
što polako nekud teče
slowly goes by somewhere