Translation of the song Traje noć artist Josipa Lisac
Traje noć
Night Lasts
Ti u odsjaju sa ekrana,
You in the reflection from the screen
krišom promatram tvoje lice...
I secretly observe your face..
Pored tebe, pa ipak sama,
Next to you, but still alone,
a sve više me guše slutnje te.
And these hunches trouble me more and more
Stare nježnosti više nema,
Old tenderness is gone,
riječi prazne, jer u tvom srcu,
Words are empty because the love,
ljubav odavno nije tema,
That meant the world to us yesterday,
što je jučer još značila nam sve.
Isn't a topic in your heart for a long time
Neki zvuci još uvijek traju...
Some sounds still go on...
tiha glazba i riječi tvoje.
Quiet music and your words
Ali pjesma se bliži kraju,
But the song is getting close to it's end
poput bujice šutnja nosi sve.
Silence takes away everything like a torrent
Trgam list s našeg kalendara,
I pull down a page from our calender
k'o da sutra će biti bolje.
Like tomorrow will be better
Svaki dan samu sebe varam...
I cheat myself every day
nemoguć je bijeg od sudbine.
Escaping destiny is impossible.
Dok u postelji ležim sama,
While I lay alone in bed
uzalud teške misli ganjam,
I chase away heavy thoughts in vain
crne kao i noćna tama,
As black as the dark of the night
one su zarobile mi sne.
They captured my dreams
Traje noć... život prolazi moj
Night lasts... My life passes
Traje noć... kao pješčani sat,
Night lasts... Like an hourglass
Traje noć... a i spušta se mrak
Night lasts... and the night is coming down too
Traje noć... jedva čujno, k'o tat.
Night lasts... barely hearable, like a thief
Traje noć... život vrti se moj
Night lasts... my life spins
Traje noć... k'o podivljali vir.
Night lasts... like whirlpool gone wild
Traje noć... nebo preklinjem sad
Night lasts... I curse the heaven now
Traje noć... da mi vrati moj mir.
Night lasts... to give me back my peace