Translation of the song Večeras artist Josipa Lisac
I večeras osjećam tvoj dah,
Tonight too I feel your breath
tako ružno sama, nevažna k'o prah.
So terribly alone, insignificant like dust
Mrak je, još je jednom danu kraj,
It's dark, another day comes to an end
pijem isto vino i plašim se sna.
I drink te same vine and I'm afraid of sleep
A želim da si tu, kao nekad moj,
And I want you to be here, like before - mine,
i trebam da si tu, a oko mene bol.
And I need you to be here, and pain is around me
Hoću da si tu, hoću da sve znaš,
I want you to be here, I want you to know everything
kako čekam sad i kako nemam sna.
About me waiting now and the way I can't sleep
Jer u meni živi strah,
Because fear lives inside me
opasan i jak,
Dangerous and strong
i bez tebe ja,
And without you
postajem zla.
I become evil
I večeras sjedim sama,
And I sti alone tonight too
čitam pisma i sve bih ti dala,
Reading letters and I would give you everything
iste slike i iste misli,
Same images and same thoughts
i isti miris, isto sve.
And the same scent, everything just the same
Sve isto je ko tad,
Everything is just like then
svako veče ti si ovdje,
Every evening you're here
i progoniš me.
Haunting me