Translation of the song Pihi neito artist Värttinä


Pihi neito

English translation

Stingy Maiden

Monenmoista miestä miulle

Many types of men were

tarjottihin, monenmoista ja

offered to me, many types and

näköistä näytettihin.

many looks were shown

Kävi kosjat koittamassa

Many suitors tried

katsomassa kylän keikarit ja

the village dandies looked and

komeimmat kurkkimassa.

the prettiest ones peeked

Törkyturvat tapailemassa

The potty-mouthed ones visited

pailemassa törkyturvat ja turilaat

the potty-mouthed ones and the cockchafers


wanted me

Viinaveikotkin vokotteli

Even the drunkards wooed me

vaimoksensa, viinaputelin pitelijät

to be their wife, holding a bottle of booze


to be theirs

Keikarit kokeili kuntoa ja kykyä,

The dandies tested their strength and skill

keikarit kokeili kuntoa ja kykyä.

the dandies tested their strength and skill

En mie noita huolinunna

I didn't accept them

halunnunna. En mie noita

I didn't want them, I didn't

huolinunna halunnunna.

accept them, I didn't want them

En mie noita luolinunna

I didn't accept them

halunnunna, en mie noita

I didn't want them, I didn't

huolinunna halunna.

accept them, I didn't want them

Pihiks miut pihtariks miut

A stingy miser

mainittihin, pihiks miut pihtariks

that's what they called me, A stingy miser

miut mainittihin.

that's what they called me

Nirppanenäks sa nokkavaksi

Picky and uppity

naurettihin, nirppanenäks ja

they laughed at me, picky and

nokkavaksi naurettihin.

uppity they laughed at me

Kihtikintuks kihtikintuks

Gout-leg, gout-leg

kuiskittihin, lahoks lahnaks lahoks

they whispered, rotten cold fish, rotten cold

lahnaks leimattihin.

fish they branded me

Kun en menny kun en mie menny

For I didn't, for I didn't

miesten matkaan.

go with the men

Kun en menny kun en mie menny

For I didn't, for I didn't

miesten matkaan.

go with the men

Ollu miesten mielehinen

I wasn't agreeable to men

mieluhinen, miesten ollu

I wasn't likeable, I wasn't

mielehinen ja näköinen.

agreeable and good-looking

Nainu naapurista nuorinta ja

I didn't marry the neighbour's youngest and

komeinta, ottanu omasta kylästä ja

prettiest son, I didn't take a boy from my village and


my village

En mie anna enkä mie anna

I won't give, I won't give

ollenkana, mie en anna enkä mie

at all, I won't give, I won't give

anna ollenkana.

at all

Herrain helmoja heilutella

I won't touch the tails of men's shirts,

hipelöijä, miesten mekolla mesoa

I won't romp with men's dresses

ja mesoa.

and romp

Viiä veikon vällyjen alle vällyn alle

I won't take a brother under the blanket, under the blanket

veikon viiä viettelyksiin vokotella.

I won't seduce a brother to temptation

Viiä viekon vällujen alle vällyn alle

I won't take him under the blanket, under the blanket

veikon viiä viettelyksiin vokotella.

I won't seduce a brother to temptation

En mie anna neitouttani

I won't give my maidenhood

nuoruuttani, mie en anna

my youth, I won't give

nuoruuttani neitouttani.

my youth, my maidenhood

En mie anna neitouttani

I won't give my maidenhood

nuoruuttani, mie en anna

my youth, I won't give

nuoruuttani neitouttani.

my youth, my maidenhood

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