Translation of the song Rose of Pain artist X Japan
Rose of Pain
Rose of Pain
Why are you scared?
Why are you scared?
What have you seen?
What have you seen?
In the castle with the silent roses
In the castle, with the silent roses,
I ask again and again
I ask again and again.
Why are you sad?
Why are you sad?
What pain are you feeling?
What pain are you feeling?
Oh,I ask of the rose with its petals of blood
Oh, I ask of the rose with its petals of blood,
But the rose of blood can't answer me till the end
but the rose of blood can't answer me till the end.
Scream without rising your voice
Scream without raising your voice,
hold your breath and stare.
黒い瞳の奥 神秘に満ちた笑みを浮かべる
Inside your black eyes, there's a smile filled with mystery.
I stare at the pain flowing together with the screams.
Your white, naked body, wearing nothing but a pearl necklace,
starts dancing and playing with the shrieking blood.
愛をなくした心 殺戮の喜びに燃える
Being a heart that has lost love, it burns in the pleasure of the massacre.
She will kill to make herself more beautiful
She will kill to make herself more beautiful,
even if the sacrifice transforms into a jewel.
Hold your breath and stare at all the tragedy.
Slice them! Slice them till they're running in blood
Slice them! Slice them till they're running in blood!
The girl is trying to escape.
Tear up! tear up till their red blood runs dry
Tear up! Tear up till their red blood runs dry.
Hang up their naked bodies.
憎しみに殺し合う 時の流れのなかで
Amidst the flow of time, where we murder each other with hate,
血で洗う 体の輝き求めて
seek a radiant body that has been washed with blood.
Being a heart that embraced lust, it has no place to live.
愛のすべてを引き裂く 涙さえ見せずに
Tearing apart every bit of love, even tears aren't shown.
Rose of pain,全てを
Rose of pain, stare at it all
見つめ おびえる
in horror.
Rose of Pain
Rose of pain
The castle became a violent sea of blood
The castle became a violent sea of blood.
The blood covers the flower,dying it deep red
The blood covers the flower, dying it deep red.
Stop! Stop dying me red
Stop! Stop dying me red!
I can't take anymore
I can't take anymore!
You are too cruel!
You are too cruel!
Stop! Please stop!
Stop! Please stop!
Slice them! Slice them till they're running in blood
Slice them! Slice them till they're running in blood!
The girl is trying to escape.
Close up! Close up their mouth using thread and needle
Close up! Close up their mouth using thread and needle!
Hang up their naked bodies.
The laughter mocks the love that's wounded.
The dried bodies seek moisture.
Kill them all 血まみれの心 全てを見失い
Kill them all, their bloody hearts lose sight of everything,
生きる残虐のなかで 涙さえ見せずに
living in brutality where even tears aren't shown.
Rose of pain,全てを
Rose of pain, stare at it all
見つめ おびえる
in horror.
Rose of pain I don't want to see
Rose of pain, I don't want to see.
Rose of pain 苦しい
Rose of pain, it's so painful.
Rose of pain
Rose of pain
In eternal madness we live
In eternal madness we live
Even if it was just a dream,
Even if it was just a dream,
now pain,nothing but PAIN!
now pain,nothing but PAIN!
Rose of Pain...
Rose of Pain...