Translation of the song Singur pe drum artist Walter Ghicolescu
Singur pe drum
Alone on the road
Se-ntampla deseori sa simti in viata
It often happens in life for you to feel
Ca esti al nimanui,
Like you're nobody's,
Ai vrea sa ceri un sfat sau o povata,
You'd like to ask for advice,
Ai vrea, dar nu stii cui
You would, but you don't know who to ask
E greu s-adormi cand nimeni nu-i cu tine,
It's hard to sleep when nobody's with you,
Greu e sa si sa te trezesti,
It's also hard to wake up,
Sa vii in fiecare zi acasa
To walk everyday home
Si doar tacerea s-o gasesti.
And only silence to find
Tot pe drum, tot pe drum
Still on the road, still on the road
Ca doar drumul mi-e prietenul cel mai bun
Because the road is my greatest friend
Zi de zi, nopti la rand
Day by day, nights in a row
Nici nu stii pana unde sau cand
You don't even know where or when
Tot pe drum, tot pe drum
Still on the road, still on the road
Ca doar drumul mi-e prietenul cel mai bun
Because the road is my greatest friend
Zi de zi, nopti la rand
Day by day, nights in a row
Nici nu stii pana unde sau cand
You don't even know where or when
Si-atunci te-ntrebi de nu ti-ar fi mai bine
And then you ask yourself if it'd be better for you
Sa pleci din nou la drum,
To go on a journey again,
Sa iei cu tine azi numai credinta
To take with you today only the hope
Pentru un maine mai bun
For a better tomorrow
Sa te-nsotesti cu vantul si cu ploaia,
To make the wind and the rain into your company,
Cerul doar sa-ti fie adapost,
Only the sky to be your roof,
Pana-ntr-o zi cand vei gasi speranta
Until one day you'll find the hope
Ce vietii tale va da un rost
That will give your life meaning
Tot pe drum, tot pe drum
Still on the road, still on the road
Ca doar drumul mi-e prietenul cel mai bun
Because the road is my greatest friend
Zi de zi, nopti la rand
Day by day, nights in a row
Nici nu stii pana unde sau cand
You don't even know where or when
Tot pe drum, tot pe drum
Still on the road, still on the road
Ca doar drumul mi-e prietenul cel mai bun
Because the road is my greatest friend
Zi de zi, nopti la rand
Day by day, nights in a row
Nici nu stii pana unde sau cand,
You don't even know where or when
Nici nu stii pana unde sau cand,
You don't even know where or when
Nici nu stii pana unde sau cand.
You don't even know where or when