Translation of the song Without You artist X Japan

English, Japanese

Without You

English translation

Without You

歩き疲れた 夜にたたずむ

Tired from walking, I pause in the night


as the memories pile on top of the falling tears.

出会いの数だけ 別れはあるけど

There have been countless meetings and partings,


but I always believed that time is eternal.

傷つけ合った言葉さえ 今は抱きしめ

Now, I even embrace the words that we used to hurt each other.

振り返るだけ I feel alone

Looking back, I feel alone.

How should I love you

How should I love you,

How could I feel you

how could I feel you,

Without you

without you?

数え切れない思い出が時間を 埋めつくす

The countless memories bury the time.


We were born and met in the same times,

それぞれの愛を 確かめるために

for the sake of reassuring each love.

I still remember 答えのない明日に

I still remember when we hoped for our dreams


in a future without any answers.

限りなく広がる空に もう一度

I once again ask


the endless sky


the meaning of being born,


the meaning of living in the moment.

生きてる事が 時には辛くて

Living is tough sometimes,

素直になれない 自分を演じてた

as we play a role that we can't be honest with.

貴方を愛して 貴方に傷ついて

I love you, I hurt you.

愛と言う言葉の 深さに気付いた

I've come to realize the depth of the word called “love.”

Do you remember初めて出会った日の事

Do you remember the day we first met,


when we had the same dreams?

限りなく広がる空に もう一度

I once again ask


the endless sky


the meaning of being born,


the meaning of living in the moment.

How should I love you

How should I love you,

How could I feel you

how could I feel you,

Without you

without you?

終わりのない愛の詩を 今貴方に

Now, my endless poem of love is for you.

Even though I can't see you anymore

Even though I can't see you anymore,

Your memory will live in my heart Forever

your memory will live in my heart forever,

As well as love does

as well as love does.

So I won't say good bye

So I won't say good bye.

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