Translation of the song Bez tebe artist Oliver Dragojević


Bez tebe

English translation

Without you

Bio sam korak od dna

I was only a step away from hitting the bottom

a ti si ruku pružila.

when you reached out your hand

Bio sam na kiši sam,

I was standing alone in the rain

ti vrata si otvorila.

when you opened your door

Bila si nekako sva

You seemed somehow

za mene nestvarna!

completely unreal to me

Bila si žena što zna da ljubav da!

You were a woman that knew how to love

Bez tebe nestat će sunca,

Without you, the sun will disappear

druge ću prositi za malo ljubavi.

I'll beg others for a little bit of love

Bez tebe, jedina moja,

Without you, my only one

za kog ću živjeti, za koga umrijeti?

for whom will I live, for whom will I die

Bilo je noći bez sna

There were sleepless nights

a ti bi me uspavala.

when you would get me to sleep

Moj svaki znala si grijeh,

You knew every one of my sins

a opet bi me ljubila!

and yet still loved (lit. kissed) me

Bio sam ponekad grub,

I was sometimes rough

ti sve mi praštala!

and yet you forgave me everything

Bila si žena što zna da osjeća!

You were a woman that knew how to feel

Bez tebe nestat će sunca,

Without you, the sun will disappear

druge ću prositi za malo ljubavi.

I'll beg others for a little bit of love

Bez tebe, jedina moja,

Without you, my only one

za kog ću živjeti, za koga umrijeti!?

for whom will I live, for whom will I die

Bez tebe…

Without you...

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