Translation of the song Dalmatinske drage luke artist Oliver Dragojević

Croatian (Chakavian dialect)

Dalmatinske drage luke

English translation

Dear Dalmatian Harbours

Šta je pusta Londra dok po Zadru snivam,

What is all that London while I dream in Zadar1?

Ne fali mi Rio, Šibenik dok piva.

I don't miss Rio while Šibenik 1 sings

Kad se Stradun budi, neću na Havaje,

When Stradun2 wakes, I won't go to Hawaii,

Hoću samo složno: Marjane! Marjane!

I only want to hear all together: Marjan! Marjan! 3



Dalmatinske drage luke

I dream on the open sea about all the

Na pučini sanjam sve

Dear dalmatian harbours

Daleke i sjajne zvizde,

Far away and glowing stars

Moga srca lanterne.

Lanterns of my heart.

Dalmatinske drage luke

Dear dalmatian harbours

Mornarskoj su duši sve,

Mean everything to a sailor's soul

Još me zovu pismom majke,

They still call me with my mother's song

Još mi bude stare sne.

Still revive old dreams

E, da mi je s tobom put Trogira poći,

Oh, if I could go towards Trogir1 with you

Zagrliti buru u makarskoj noći.

To hug bora wind in Makarska1 at night

A kad u Omišu klapska pisma padne

And when klapa singing4 starts in Omiš1

Nek se čuje složno: Marjane! Marjane!

Let singing together be heard: Marjan! Marjan!



Dalmatinske drage luke

I dream on the open sea about all the

na pučini sanjam sve

Dear dalmatian harbours

Daleke i sjajne zvizde,

Far away and glowing stars

Moga srca lanterne.

Lanterns of my heart.

Dalmatinske drage luke

Dear dalmatian harbours

Mornarskoj su duši sve,

Mean everything to a sailor's soul

Još me zovu pismom majke,

They still call me with my mother's song

Još mi bude stare sne..

Still revive old dreams

Pusti mi Mallorcu dok pivam o Hvaru,

Don't talk to me about Mallorca as I sing of Hvar5

Velu Luku sanjam na moru i kraju.

I dream about Vela Luka6 at sea as well as dryland.

E, da mi je s tobom poć do svake vale,

Oh, if I could go with you to every cove,

Zapivati složno: Marjane! Marjane!

To sing together: Marjan! Marjan!



Dalmatinske drage luke

I dream on the open sea about all the

na pučini sanjam sve

Dear dalmatian harbours

Daleke i sjajne zvizde,

Far away and glowing stars

Moga srca lanterne.

Lanterns of my heart.

Dalmatinske drage luke

Dear dalmatian harbours

Mornarskoj su duši sve,

Mean everything to a sailor's soul

Još me zovu pismom majke,

They still call me with my mother's song

Još mi bude stare sne.

Still revive old dreams

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