Translation of the song Libera me, Domine artist Christian Hymns & Songs
Libera me, Domine
Liberate me, Lord
Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna,
Liberate me, Lord, of the eternal death
in die illa tremenda, in die illa.
On that horrific day, on that day.
Quando coeli movendi sunt,
When the heavens are to be moved,
quando coeli movendi sunt et terra.
when the heavens are to be moved as well as the earth
Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem.
Until you will have come to pass judgement on the world by fire
Tremens, tremens factus sum ego,
Shaking, shaking I have been made to be
et timeo, dum discussio venerit
And I fear until the judgement will come
at que ventura ira.
And the wrath to come
Dies illa, dies iræ,
That day, day of wrath,
calamitatis et miseriæ.
Of damage and of misfortune
Dies illa, dies magna
That day, the big day
et amara, amara valde.
And the bitter one, the so bitter one
Requiem æternum donna eis, Domine,
Give them eternal rest, Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis, luceat eis.
And may the eternal light shine upon them, may it shine upon them