Translation of the song Pregària a la Verge del Remei artist Christian Hymns & Songs
Pregària a la Verge del Remei
Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedies
Déu vos salvi, oh Maria
May God keep you, oh Mary
Verge Santa del Remei!
Holy Virgin of Good Remedies!
Gireu vostres ulls, Regina
Turn your eyes, oh Queen
Most Pious,
Sobre la Plana d’Urgell.
Towards the Plains of Urgell.
Vós sou tota nostra vida
You're our entire existence
I l’esperança
And the hope contained
D’aquest Castell del Remei.
Within this Forthress of Good Remedies.
A vós prega i sospira,
To you we all pray and sigh,
Ben confiada,
So very trusting,
Tota la Plana d’Urgell.
From the Plains of Urgell.
Per nós al vostre Fill pregueu
Pray for us to your Holy Son,
Ben amorosa,
Very lovingly,
Verge Santa del Remei!
Oh Holy Virgin of Good Remedies!
I vingui la Gràcia de Déu,
And may the Grace of God come to us
Ben abundosa,
In great abundance,
Sobre la Plana d’Urgell...
All over the Plains of Urgell...
Per nós al vostre Fill pregueu
Pray for us to your Holy Son,
Ben amorosa,
Very lovingly,
Verge Santa del Remei!
Oh Holy Virgin of Good Remedies!
I vingui la gràcia de Déu,
And may the Grace of God come to us
Ben abundosa,
In great abundance,
Sobre la Plana d’Urgell...
All over the Plains of Urgell...