Translation of the song 69 artist Alina Eremia



English translation


Imi pare rau, da’ nu-mi pare rau

I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry

Ca te ranesc atat, sunt fete frumoase in jurul tau

For hurting you that much. There are many beautiful girls around you

Sa-ti tina de urat, m-am saturat,

That you can spend your time with. I've had enough,

Dar chiar nu mai pot, tu nici nu ma auzi

And I can't really carry on, you don't even hear me.

Cauti vina mea peste tot, dar tu nu te acuzi

You try to find me guilty, but you don't accuse yourself.

Te rog, nu mai scrie iar drama de-asta ca a ta

Please don't text [me] again, this kind of drama

Nu-i noua, nu, stiu ca o sa zici ca-s rea

Is not new, no. I know you'll say that I'm bad,

Ca de ce-ti rup inima-n doua

That I [unreasonably] tear you heart apart,

Da’ am 100 de probleme si tu esti 69

But I've got 100 problems and you are [the] 69[th]1.

Da’ am 100 de probleme si tu esti 69

But I've got 100 problems and you are [the] 69[th].

Si, crede-ma, chiar vreau sa te iert

And, believe me, I really want to forgive you,

Da’ nu mai poti sa minti

But you can't lie anymore.

Sunt fete in jurul tau, roaga-le

There are girls around you, ask them

Sa simta ce nu simt

To feel what they don't feel.

Hai, bea un paharel cu baietii

Go on, get a drink with your [male] friends,

Mai plange-te putin

Complain a little more,

Zi-le ca ai vrut sa-mi dai lectii

Tell them you wanted to take control of me2

Da’ nu prea ti-a iesit

But you kinda failed.

Te rog, nu mai scrie iar drama de asta ca a ta

Please don't text [me] again, this kind of drama

Nu-i noua, nu, stiu ca o sa zici ca-s rea

Is not new, no. I know you'll say that I'm bad,

Ca de ce-ti rup inima-n doua

That I [unreasonably] tear you heart apart,

Da’ am 100 de probleme si tu esti 69

But I've got 100 problems and you are [the] 69[th].

Da’ am 100 de probleme si tu esti 69

But I've got 100 problems and you are [the] 69[th].

Ce-ti doresc eu tie, om drag mie

What I wish you, my dear3,

Inimioare pe Insta la straine

The hearts on Instagram to [female] strangers:

Sa ramai cu ele si cu bine

May them and all the best be all you'll have left.

Sa ramai cu lacrimi dupa mine

May the tears be all you'll have left.

Te strange in brate pana te sufoci

I would hug you until you'll suffocate.

Te-as da, ca sa nu te mai joci

I would game-over you, to make you stop playing around.4

Iubirea ta-mi tine de frig si ma ploua

Your love makes me feel cold and in the rain.

Am 100 de probleme si tu esti

I've got 100 problems and you are...

Da’ am 100 de probleme si tu esti 69

But I've got 100 problems and you are [the] 69[th].

Da’ am 100 de probleme si tu esti 69

But I've got 100 problems and you are [the] 69[th].

Da’ am 100 de probleme si tu esti 69

But I've got 100 problems and you are [the] 69[th].

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