Translation of the song Start Rec artist Alina Eremia
Start Rec
Porneşte înregistrarea
Poti sa-mi iei, poti sa-mi iei si capul.
You can take me, you can take my head.
Dar sa nu-mi iei sufletul ca nu am altul.
But do not take my soul because I do not have another one.
Poti sa-mi iei banii, sapca, hanoracul.
You can take my money, the cap, the sweatshirt.
Dar sa nu-mi iei sufletul ca nu am altul. (x2)(start rec)
But do not take my soul because I do not have another one. (X2) (start rec)
Check, check, check, sa nu crezi ca nu te stiu.
Check, check, check, Don't think that I don't know you
Check, check, check, vrei sa ma duci in pustiu.
Check, check, check, you want to take me to the desert.
Ia-mi banii ia-mi capul.
Get my money take my head.
Si toata lumea imi zice sa deschid dulapul.
And everybody tells me to open the closet.
Si ia-mi casa sapca hanoracul.
And take my house, the cap, the sweatshirt.
Dar lasa-mi sunetul ca sunetul mi-e leacul.
But let me the sound the sond is my cure
Ma apar cu mintea mea fiindca altceva nu am.
I defend with my mind cause anything I don't have
Dar mintea mea imi poate fi si prieten si dusman.
But my mind can also be my friend and enemy.
Poti sa-mi iei tot lasa-mi sufletul te rog.
Can you just take everything, let my soul please.
Si daca incerci ceva ma apar cu muzica.
And if you try something, I defend with music.
Fiindca am adevaruri pe care vreau sa le spun.
Because I have the truths I want to say.
Caut note pe care sa le transpun.
I'm looking for notes to transpose.
Si pe orice piesa buna sau defecta.
And any good or bad piece.
Iti transmit starea perfecta o dau sincer nu fac fenta.
They give you the perfect mood
Imi iau tonul si aplic reteta mea secreta.
I get the tone and apply my secret recipe.
Trebuia sa-i dau de cap la modul what`s up.
I had to to get to the bottom in what's up way
Mainstream sau underground.
Mainstream or underground.
Timpul inseamna bani.
Time means money.
Si banii nu cresc in copaci.
And money does not grow in trees.
Poti sa-mi iei poti sa-mi iei si capul.
You can take me and you can take my head.
Dar sa nu-mi iei sufletul ca nu am altul.
But do not take my soul because I do not have another one.
Poti sa-mi iei banii sapca hanoracul.
You can take my money, the cap, the sweatshirt.
Dar sa nu-mi iei sufletul ca nu am altul. (x2)
But do not take my soul because I do not have another one. (X2)
Sa nu crezi ca nu te stiu vrei sa ma duci in pustiu.
Do not think I do not know you want to take me to the desert.
Fiindca altceva nu stii dar hai sa nu fim copii.
Cause you don't thinkanything but let's not be children
Poate ca vorbesc ca mama dar nu stii ce inseamna faima.
Maybe I speak like a mother but you do not know what fame is.
Dusmanul imaginar isi schimba mereu haina.
The imaginary demon always changes his coat.
Ma face sa zic ca-s cea mai buna dar poate sunt nebuna.
It makes me say I'm the best, but maybe I'm crazy.
Ma face sa zic ca da se joaca cu mintea mea.
It makes me say it's playing with my mind.
Sa nu crezi ca ma feresc stau in oglinda vorbesc.
Do not think that I avoid I stay in front of the mirror speaking
Poti sa-mi iei poti sa-mi iei si capul.
You can take me and you can take my head.
Dar sa nu-mi iei sufletul ca nu am altul.
But do not take my soul because I do not have another one.
Poti sa-mi iei banii sapca hanoracul.
You can take my money, the cap, the sweatshirt.
Dar sa nu-mi iei sufletul ca nu am altul. (x2)
But do not take my soul because I do not have another one. (X2)
Tu trebuie sa crezi eu nu sunt ca restu’.
You have to believe I'm not like the rest.
Am si eu defectul meu, cred ca sunt extraterestruuu.
I have also my own flaw, I think I am an alien