Translation of the song Vorbe Pe Dos artist Alina Eremia
Vorbe Pe Dos
Twisted Words
Am spart paharul cu timp, si s-au dus clipele, s-au dus clipele
I broke the glass of time, and the moments have gone, the moments have gone
Ai luat cu tine zilele si noptile
You took the days and nights with you
Cand ne pierdeam, imbratisati, in liniste
when we were getting lost hugging in silence
Tot ce auzeam era ecoul dragostei.
Everyting I heard were just an echo of love
Cum ne juram ca nimic nu ne va opri, nu ne va opri
How we swore nothing would stop us, would stop us
Ca anii care trec nu ne vor desparti
That the years that pass won't break us apart
Hai, spune-mi ca vei da la schimb iubirea mea
Tell me that you woulnd't trade my love
Refuz sa cred ca ma aleg cu lipsa ta.
I refuse to believe that I remain without your absence
Nu arunca, nu arunca vorbe pe dos
Don't throw, don't throw twisted words
Nu te juca, nu te juca e periculos
Don't play, don't play, it's dangerous
Cuvinte zburau aiurea intre noi inainte, inapoi
Words were flying foolishly between us, forwards, backwards
Nu arunca nu arunca vorbe pe dos.
Don't throw, don't throw twisted words
Unde e dragostea ce ne-a legat atunci
Where is the love that tied us once?
A mai ramas ceva din ea sau doar sa fugi
Is there anything left from that or do you want to run away?
Azi ma impaci, apoi te faci ca ma asculti
Today we reconcile after you pretend that you are listening
Dar nu ma auzi, cand iti cer sa ma ajuti.
But you don't listen to me when I ask you to help me
E simplu sa arunci vina pe cineva, pe cineva
It's easy to blaime someone else, someone else
Sa spui vezi nu a mers, si e din vina ta
And then say It doesn't work, it's your fault
Unde erai, sau eu vorbeam pentru amandoi
Where were you or were I speaking for both of us?
Cand ma uitai, iar te uitai in urma apoi.
When you were forgetting me, you were looking back again
Nu arunca, nu arunca vorbe pe dos
Don't throw, don't throw twisted words
Nu te juca, nu te juca e periculos
Don't play, don't play, it's dangerous
Cuvinte zburau aiurea intre noi inainte, inapoi
Words were flying foolishly between us, forwards, backwards
Nu arunca, nu arunca vorbe pe dos.
Don't throw, don't throw twisted words
Tu nu esti cand inima te vrea, te vrea
You are not (here) when my hearts wants you, wants you
Acuma esti mereu, raman a ta
but now you're always (here) and I'm staying yours
Nu te ascunde ca deja te stiu, te stiu
Don't hide away, cause I know you, I know you
Te rog pana nu e prea tarziu.
I beg you until it's not too late
Asa ca nu arunca, nu arunca vorbe pe dos
So don't throw, don't throw twisted words
Nu te juca, nu te juca e periculos
Don't play, don't play, it's dangerous
Cuvinte zburau aiurea intre noi inainte. inapoi
Words were flying foolishly between us, forwards, backwards
Nu arunca, nu arunca vorbe pe dos.
Don't throw, don't throw twisted words
Nu arunca, nu arunca.
Don't throw, don't throw