Translation of the song Qikat e mia artist Dhurata Dora
Qikat e mia
My chicks
Ruf mich nicht mehr an
Don't call me anymore
Ich geh sowieso nicht ran cause
I'm not going ran cause anyway
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xhelozia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xhelozia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends
[Pjesa 1]
Part 1:
Ora 4 n'mëngjes
It's 4 in the morning
Une hala po t'pres
I am waiting for you for god's sake
Nuk o hera e parë
It's not the first time
Që un vet mes
that I wait/end up alone
Derën e ki mshelë
The door is with a key/locked
Edhe teshat i ki n'thes
And the clothes/belongings are in the bag
Taxin ta kom thirrë
I called a taxi
Kot e ki çdo SMS
It is useless every SMS of yours
I don't need your money,
I don't need your money,
Yeah, me a get ma buiss money
Yeah, I will get business and make money
T'kom thanë Mos u bo pis
I told you don't get dirty
Ama ti s'ke ngu hiç
But you never listen
Kapi teshat e ec, papi
Go now, walk, papi
Ec, ec,ec,ec
Walk, walk, walk, walk
Mos u kthe back
Don't come back
Se ta boj X edhe tani t'boj Ex
Because I will add now X and now you're an Ex
Hajt se unë i kom shoqet knej
Come one because I have my friends here
E mërzija hekët shpejt
And boredom goes away fast
As ato se çelin kur thirr
And they as well dont care when you call
Se unë shoqet i kom real
Because I have real friends
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xhelozia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xhelozia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends
[Pjesa 2]
Part 2:
Du fragst dich
You wonder
Woher dieses Outfit
Where this outfit came from
Kommst auf nichts klar
Come on nothing is clear
seit dem es aus ist
Since that it's been dating
Meine Mädels sind immer am start
My girls are always at the start
Sowieso mit,
Anyway, with,
Jetzt willst du back
Now you want me back
Aber baby nein so nicht
But baby no so not
Po menon që shumë lehtë e ki me ta falë
You think it is so easy and I will forgive you
Nuk e di ku je nis me ton ato fjalë
I don't know where your words are going to (what do you mean)
Se ça po thu po m'doket
Because what you to me it sounds like:
Blah blah blah blah blah
Shuj se ta boj
Close or I will do it to you like:
Prra prra prra prra prra
S'ki nevoj me hate, a je tu e vrejtë?
No need for hate,are you okay?
Ti me mu ma
You never again with me
Nah nah nah nah nah
Hajt se unë i kom shoqet knej
Come one because I have my friends here
E mërzija hekët shpejt
And boredom goes away fast
As ato se çelin kur thirr
And they as well don't care when you call
Se unë shoqet i kom real
Because I have real friends
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xhelozia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xhelozia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends
I'm wit' ma girls
I am with my girls
Don't get on my way!
Don't get on my way!
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xheloziia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends
Jom me çikat e mia
I am with my chicks
Nuk na nal policia
Police can't stop us
E ty po t'kap xhelozia
And you're jealous
Sa her m'sheh me shoqe t'mia
Every time you see me with my friends