Translation of the song Vete Kerkove artist Dhurata Dora
Vete Kerkove
you asked for that your self
hmmmmm hmmmm yeah
hmmmmm hmmmm yeah
i just want to tell you something with this song
i just want to tell you something with this song
gjeje tjetren ma nuk ec keshtu oh
find another this isn't working out
kur te kthehesh sdo me gjesh ketu ouw ouw
when you come back I won't be here
cdo gje mori fund tash nuk ka kthim
everything it's over now there is no turning back
sishte dashuri ishte vetem nje gabim mmh
it wasn't love it was just a mistake
ndoooooshta ndarja do jet me mir
maybe braking up will be the best thing
per te dy
for both
vet e deshte vet kerkove tash nuk ka kthim
you wanted this your self, you asked for it yourself
veten tonde e mashtrove bere nje gabiiim
you lied to your self,made a mistake
pse te deshta e lejova ishte faji im
why I loved you and let you it was my fault
po mo sdo gaboj nga ty mora mesim
but I want do that mistake again I got my lesson from you
tash me gjithqka mes nesh perfundon
now everything between us is over
secili jeten e vet e vazhdon
ever one is on his way
une e vrejta qe po me tradhton
I noticed you were cheating on me
ti sa dush lufto qka nuk shkon nuk shkon
you can fight all you want when something isn't working it's just not working out
ndoooshta ndarja do jet ma mir oohoo per te dy
maybe braking up will be the best thing
vet e deshte vet kerkove tash nuk ka kthim
for both
veten tonde e mashtrove bere nje gabim
you wanted your self you asked for it yourself
pse te deshta e lejova ishte faji im
you lied to your self,made a mistake
po u nme sdo tgaboj nga ty mora mesiiim
why I loved you and let you it was my fault
do te jem shum ma mir pa ty
I'll be better of without you
edhe pse shum do te me mungosh
even though I'll miss you
pse e le zemren me thy kshtu qe shko ku une me nuk te shoo
why did you let my heart get broken ,so go where I'll never see you
vet e deshte vet kerkove tash nuk ka kthim
you wanted this your self, you asked for it yourself
veten tonde e mashtrove bere nje gabim
you lied to your self,made a mistake
pse te deshta e lejova ishte faji im
why I loved you and let you it was my fault
po mo sdo gaboj nga ty mora mesim
but I want do that mistake again I got my lesson from you