Translation of the song Konfidenca artist Oliver Dragojević



English translation


Nemoj misliti o bijegu, uvijek bili bi na cesti

Don't think about escaping, we would forever roam the streets.

i bez tragova u snijegu, našle bi nas loše vijesti.

And without leaving traces in the snow, bad news would find us

Misli samo na trenutke kojima smo život dali,

think only of the moments we devoted our lives to

dok smo ljubili se šutke, da bi ljubav sačuvali.

whilst we were secretly kissing trying to preserve love

Sakrit ću te u dlanove, grlit ću te oko vrata,

I ll hide you in the palms of my hands, embrace you (lit:put my arms around your neck)

moje ruke pune tebe, moje ruke pune zlata.

My hands full of you, my hands full of gold

Pokrit ću te srcem svojim, noć se tiša ka kadenca,

I will cover you up with my heart, the night is stilled like cadence (

a iza nas nek' ljubav stoji, ova slipa konfidenca,

we ll let love stand behind us, this blind confidence

ova slipa konfidenca.

this blind confidence

Tamo di si dosad bila, nek' prestanu igre grube,

The rough games should stop in this place where you' ve been until now

tu sam da ti držim krila, kad se kalaš među jude.

I m here to hold your wings for you, while you descend amongst people

Sakrit ću te u dlanove, grlit ću te oko vrata,

I will hide you in the palms of my hands, embrace you (lit: put my arms around your neck).

moje ruke pune tebe, moje ruke pune zlata.

My hands full of you, my hands full of gold

Pokrit ću te srcem svojim, noć se tiša ka kadenca,

I will cover you up with my heart, the night is stilled like cadence (

a iza nas nek' ljubav stoji, ova slipa konfidenca,

we ll let love stand behind us, this blind confidence

ova slipa konfidenca,

this blind confidence

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