Translation of the song Ksantipa artist Oliver Dragojević



English translation


Da’ l netko od vas zna,

Does anyone of you know

šta mu se zbilo?

What heppend to him?

Minulu noć

Last night

u snu mu se snilo,

He had a dream

da on ima ženu,

That he has a wife

k’o svi drugi ljudi svijeta,

Like all the other people in the world

ženu koja radi i nikud ne šeta.

A wife that works and doesn't walk around

Ali sve to je ostala želja,

But all that is just a wish

čovjeku tom još nema veselja,

There is still no joy for that man

jer sve dok u kući ona svoju pravdu stvara,

Cause as long she has it her way in the house

on će dobro pazit da ne prigovara.

He will take good care not to object

Ksantipa, šta radiš sad?

Xhantippe1, what are you doing now?

Ženu tu već pozna skoro cijeli grad,

Almost the whole city knows about that woman

jer svaki dan u kući toj

Cause every day in that house

lete čaše, lonci,

Glasses, pots fly around

pravi bije se boj.

A real war is led

I tako to već danima traje,

And it goes on like that for days

za njegov bol baš nitko ne haje,

No one, no one cares about his pain

a on jadan misli, da će ipak doći radost,

And he, poor man, thinks joy will come anyway

u tu kuću gdje je proveo svu mladost.

Into that house in which he spent his youth

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