Translation of the song Mižerija artist Oliver Dragojević

Croatian, Croatian (Chakavian dialect)


English translation


I bez zlata i bez luši

Even without gold and without luxury

Sva su blaga ti u duši

All the treasures are inside your soul

Kad ogrije te jubav

When love warms you up.

Puno sunca i tepline

Full of sun and warmth

Pa se srce nebu vine

And then the heart soars to the sky

U ditinjstvu bez suza

In a childhood without any tears

Malo soldi, puno vire

A little bit of money, lot of faith

U toj jubavi bez mire

In that love without measure

I vagun dobre voje

And loads of good will

U kantunu puno mista

Lot of space in the corner

Misal je ka ar'ja čista

Thought is clear as air

Pa pišen pisme svoje

So I write my songs



Mižerija, mižerja, mižerja, mižerja

Misery, misery, misery, misery

Miruj, miruj, pismo moja

Be still, be still, my song

Ti jedina znaš

You're the only one that knows

Di san ostavija dušu

Where I left my soul

Miruj, miruj, pismo moja

Be still, be still, my song

Jer kasno je sad

Because it's late now

Ladni vitri već pušu

Cold winds are already blowing

Mižerija, mižerja,

Misery, misery

Tek pusta mižerja

Nothing but misery

Kad bi partile ferate

When the trains would leave

Strepija san, stari, za te

I was fearful because of you, old man

Ta briga se ne gasi

That worry never goes out

Zgrbjena si, majko, stala

You stood hunched, mother

Bjankariju tuju prala

You washed other people's whites (laundry)

Pobilile ti vlasi

You're hair became white

Jedna pisma iz đardina

One song from the garden

Smantala je vašeg sina

Bedazzled your son

On cili vik je slidi

He follows it his whole life

Zlatnin nožen posrid srca

It stabbed him with a golden knife

Probola ga, neka grca

Through the middle of his heart, let him wiggle

Nek cili šug iscidi

May it squeeze the life* from him



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