Dobar si, veliki grade
You're good, big town,
dugo smo čekali na te
We waited a long time for you
da nam ponovo budeš
To be again
kakav nekad bija si.
As you once were
Da bacaš svitla daleko,
To flash your lights far away
da si sritan kad naiđe ne'ko
To be happy when someone comes around
s kim ćeš makar na mote
Someone you will share, at least in hints
p'jat od juve diliti.
A plate of soup
Takvog te poznajen
That is how I know you
'ko viruje, taj ostaje.
One who believes, stays
Takvog te poznajen,
That is how I know you
'ko viruje taj ostaje.
One who believes, stays
Ima nas ludih šta pričamo bajke
There are some of us who are crazy and we tell tales
dobar je čovik isto ka' rod.
A good man is like kin
Opet nas ima za na male branke
There is enough of us for futsal again
i bit će nas još
And there will be more of us
i bit će nas još.
And there will be more of us
Samo ostani svoj.
Just stay yourself
Moja si kuća.
You are my house
Ne viruj onom 'ko mrzi kad zine,
Don't trust the one who hates with every word
nemoj da takvi ti maćaju ime
Don't let such people spoil your name
bija si tu i odavna prije
You were here a long time ago before
i bit ćeš tu i posli njih.
And you will be here after them
Budi kuća za pitome ljude
Be a house for mellow people
dovoljno hrabre i dovoljno lude
Brave enough and crazy enough
koji te jedini zapravo gube,
Who are the only ones actually losing you
al' će te navik ljubiti.
But they will love you forever
Takvog te poznajen
That is how I know you
'ko viruje, taj ostaje.
One who believes, stays
Takvog te poznajen,
That is how I know you
'ko viruje taj ostaje.
One who believes, stays
Ima nas ludih šta pričamo bajke
There are some of us who are crazy and we tell tales
dobar je čovik isto ka' rod.
A good man is like kin
Opet nas ima za na male branke
There is enough of us for futsal again
i bit će nas još
And there will be more of us
i bit će nas još.
And there will be more of us
Nevere prođu, a ljudi se pamte
Storms pass, and you remember people
dobar je čovik isto ka' rod.
A good man is like kin
Opet nas ima za na male branke
There is enough of us for futsal again
i bit će nas još
And there will be more of us
i bit će nas još
And there will be more of us
Samo ostani svoj.
Just stay yourself
Moja si kuća
You are my house
Moja si kuća
You are my house
Moja si kuća
You are my house
Moja si kuća
You are my house
Moja si kuća
You are my house
Moja si kuća.
You are my house