Translation of the song Igra ruski rulet srpksa Jugoslavija artist Indexovo pozorište
Igra ruski rulet srpksa Jugoslavija
The Serbian Yugoslavia is playing Russian roulette
Napravimo redove pred kantama za smeće,
Let us make rows in front of the garbage cans,
Izvadimo stvari koje drugi neće,
Let's take out the stuff others do not want,
Toliko smo postali siromašni i jadni,
We've became so poor and miserable,
Jedeš sve sto stigneš kad guza ogladni.
You eat everything you can when you get hungry.
Odgovorni koje tražiš nisu baš daleko,
The responsible ones are not very far,
Sad ih neće niko, a birao ih neko,
Now noone wants them, but someone voted [for] them,
Kažu da od rata zemlju oni mogu spas'ti,
They say that they can save the land from war,
A samo dok je rata oni su na vlasti.
But only while there's war they are in power.
Igra ruski rulet srpska Jugoslavija,
The Serbian Yugoslavia is playing Russian roulette,
A svima oko tebe prazan stomak zavija,
And everyone's empty stomach around you is screaming,
Igra ruski rulet srpska Jugoslavija,
The Serbian Yugoslavia is playing Russian roulette,
A svima oko tebe prazan stomak zavija.
And everyone's empty stomach around you is screaming.
Krivili smo bombe dok su padale sa neba,
We blamed the bombs while they were falling from the sky,
I ono malo zemlje potpuno se sjeba,
And [even] that little of land was absolutely fucked,
Skloništa su bila dupke puna dece naše,
The shelters were fully packed with our children,
Ako ništa drugo sad bar znaju da se plaše.
If nothing, now they at least know how to be frightened.
Svet nas ceni manje i od smrdljivoga sira,
The world respects us even less that a stinking cheese,
Traže da se nova vlast na izborima bira,
They demand that a new government is elected,
A ovi naši s vlasti svake izbore će krasti,
But these ours in power will steal every election,
Jer zato što ih kradu i ostaju na vlasti.
Because they stay in power only because they steal them.
Igra ruski rulet srpska Jugoslavija,
The Serbian Yugoslavia is playing Russian roulette,
A svima oko tebe prazan stomak zavija,
And everyone's empty stomach around you is screaming,
Igra ruski rulet srpska Jugoslavija,
The Serbian Yugoslavia is playing Russian roulette,
A svima oko tebe prazan stomak zavija.
And everyone's empty stomach around you is screaming.
Igra ruski rulet srpska Jugoslavija,
The Serbian Yugoslavia is playing Russian roulette,
A svima oko tebe prazan stomak zavija,
And everyone's empty stomach around you is screaming,
Igra ruski rulet srpska Jugoslavija,
The Serbian Yugoslavia is playing Russian roulette,
A svima oko tebe prazan stomak zavija.
And everyone's empty stomach around you is screaming.
Srpska Jugoslavija,
Serbian Yugoslavia,
Prazan stomak zavija.
Empty stomach is screaming.
Srpska Jugoslavija,
Serbian Yugoslavia,
More prazan stomak zavija.
Empty stomach is screaming.
Sto je srpska Jugoslavija,
Serbian Yugoslavia,
A prazan stomak zavija.
But empty stomach is screaming.
Srpska Jugoslavija,
Serbian Yugoslavia,
A prazan stomak zavija.
But empty stomach is screaming.
A srpska Jugoslavija.
But Serbian Yugoslavia.
Jugoslavijo, Jugoslavijo.
[Oh] Yugoslavia, [oh] Yugoslavia.