Translation of the song Nocturno artist Oliver Dragojević
ne dam vjetru, ne dam nikom
I don't let the wind, I let nobody
da te prati, s tobom diše
Follow you, breathe with you,
da se kiti tvojom slikom
Ornament themself with your picture.
tjeram vjetar, tjeram kiše
I chase the wind away, I case away the rains.
svatko nosi svoje breme
Everyone carries his own burden
i u srcu ljubav sklanja
And shelters love inside his heart.
pođi spati već je vrijeme
Go to sleep, it's time already.
budi dobra, lijepo sanjaj
Be good, sweet dreams.
ne dam vjetru da te dira
I don't let the wind touch you,
ne dam kiši da te kvasi
I don't let the rain wet you.
samo noć nek' tiho svira
May only the night silently play,
samo veče nek' te krasi
May only the evening decorate you.
sve će zvijezde s tobom leći
All the stars will lay down with you,
pune tajnih putovanja
Filled with secret voyages.
prije sna ti moram reći
Before sleep, I must tell you:
budi dobra, lijepo sanjaj 2x
Be good, sweet dreams x2
sve ti mogu noćas dati
I can give everything to you tonight,
sve što kriju obećanja
All the promises hide inside themselves.
tiho biju noćni sati
The night hours quietly pass by,
budi dobra, lijepo sanjaj
Be good, sweet dreams.
ne dam vjetru da te dira
I don't let the wind touch you,
ne dam kiši da te kvasi
I don't let the rain wet you.
samo noć nek' tiho svira
May only the night silently play,
samo veče nek' te krasi
May only the evening decorate you.
sve će zvijezde s tobom leći
All the stars will lay down with you,
pune tajnih putovanja
Filled with secret voyages.
prije sna ti moram reći
Before sleep, I must tell you:
budi dobra, lijepo sanjaj 2x
Be good, sweet dreams x2