Translation of the song نشونی artist Leila Forouhar



English translation

Your address

نمی دونم کدوم حس نشونیتو به من داد

I don't know which feeling showed me your address (sign)

گذار من عاشق به خونه ی تو افتاد

I was suddenly at your door, as your lover

نمی دونم کدوم یاد،عطر تن کدوم باد

I don't know which memory, the smell of which wind

عکس تو رو تو قاب خاطره هام نشون داد

showed me your photo in my memory frame

نمی دونم کدوم دست کتاب غصه رو بست

I don't know which hand closed the book of sorrow

نگاه من عاشق به چشمای تو دل بست

My eyes soon fell in love with your eyes

نمی دونم کدوم حس نشونیتو به من داد

I don't know which feeling showed me your address (sign)

گذار من عاشق به خونه ی تو افتاد

I was suddenly at your door, as your lover

نمی دونم کدوم شوق راه گلوم رو بسته

I don't know which passion had blocked my throat (I had a lump in my throat and wanted to cry)

خنده به جای گریه روی لبام نشسته

I have laughter in my face instead of a cry

بیا ز هر نگاهم،سایه و تکیه گاهم

You're the need in my every look, my shadow and support

برای با تو بودن همیشه چشم به راهم

I'm waiting desperately to be with you

بیا تو فصل گلریز از عشق من نپرهیز

Come to me in this fall, don't reject my love

بیا با من بهار شو،بزن به قلب پاییز

Come to me and become a spring, overcome this fall

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