Translation of the song نفسم artist Leila Forouhar
You're My Breath
من واسه داشتنت
For having you,
برای خواستنت
For wanting you,
همیشه دلتنگم
I always long for you,
خودت که میدونی
You know that,
وقتی نمیمونی
Once you don't stay,
با دنیا میجنگم
I fight with the world,
من از ته قلبم
I'm in love with you,
عاشق تو هستم
From bottom of my heart,
تا آخر دنیا
To the end of the world,
تمام احساسم
My entire feeling,
عشقه که میخواستم
Is love that I was longing for,
نذار بشه رویا
Don't let it turn into a dream,
نفسم شدی تو همه کسم
You're my breath, you became my everything,
میمیرم اگه به تو نرسم
I'll die if I don't reach you,
خودتم اینو خوب میدونی
You also know this well,
چقدر میخوامت
How much I want you,
نفسم شدی تو همه کسم
You're my breath, you became my everything,
میمیرم اگه به تو نرسم
I'll die should I not reach you,
دل من افتاده به دامت
My heart is caught in your trap,
تو اگه با من بمونی
If you stay with me,
قدر حسمو بدونی
And appreciate my feeling,
به آرزوهام میرسم من
My wishes will come true,
عشقو برام هدیه بیار
Bring me the love as a gift,
منو از غصه در آر
Release me from grief,
که عاشق نگات شدم من
That I fell in love with your glance,
تو واسه هر ترانه ای
For any melody,
یه حس عاشقانه ای
You are a romantic feeling,
بهتر از اینم مگه میشه
Is there anything better than this,
خودی تر از خود منی
You're more intimate to me than I to myself,
وقتی که لبخند میزنی
Once you smile,
دنیا یه جور دیگه میشه
The world becomes something different.