Translation of the song Stine artist Oliver Dragojević

Croatian (Chakavian dialect)


English translation


Stine, potrošilo je more

Rocks got worn out by sea

ja sam potroši dušu

I wore out my soul

bez suza, bez smija.

Without tears, without laughter

Stine, potrošilo je more

Rocks got worn out by the sea

ja sam potroši ljubav

I wore out my love

bez bola, bez grija.

Without pain, without sin

Ne ostavljaj me sad,

Don't leave me now

u ponoru bez dna

In the bottomless abyss

budi sa mnom

Stay with me

još mi triba svitlost tvoja.

I still need your light

Ne ostavljaj me sad,

Don't leave me now

dok preklinjem te ja

While I'm begging you

budi sa mnom

Stay with me

mir da nađe duša moja.

So that my soul can find peace

Ne ostavljaj me sad,

Don't leave me now

ne ostavljaj me sad

Don't leave me now

bez nade...

Without hope ...

Stine, potrošilo je more

Rocks got worn out by sea

ja sam potroši dušu

I wore out my soul

bez suza, bez smija.

Without tears, without laughter

Ka' stine

Like rocks

potrošilo se vrime,

The time got worn out

umirilo se more

The sea calmed down

a nov, sviće dan.

And a new day is rising

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