Translation of the song Chameleon Lens artist Porno Graffitti
Chameleon Lens
Chameleon Lens
ありのままの真実など 誰も見ていやしない
Nobody is looking and watching at truts as it is
色を変えたり 歪めたり カメレオン・レンズみたいに
Changing colors and distorting like a chameleon lens
Don't you ever wanna imagine? The world isn't one you see
Don't you ever wanna imagine? The world isn't one you see
How does the apple red look like to you?
Don't you ever wanna imagine? Not the way you dream
Don't you ever wanna imagine? Not the way you dream
君の愛は What color?
Your love is What color?
せめて同じ空を見れたらと 君の肩を引き寄せてはみても
Even if you try drawing at your shoulder at least you can see the same sky
そこにはふたつの月がならぶ お互いを知らないまま
There are two moons lined up without knowing each other
Black or White 双子の月が
Black or White the twin moon is
Love or Not 無情に光る
Love or Not shine brutally
深紅のバラもワインも 色を失くし泣いてるの?
Are the crimson roses and the wine losing their color and crying?
君がいるこの世界は こんなに鮮やかなのに
The world you are here is so vivid
Don't you ever wanna imagine? No one knows your feeling
Don't you ever wanna imagine? No one knows your feeling
Stained glass made with detached color scheme
Don't you ever wanna imagine? Your days break down forever
Don't you ever wanna imagine? Your days break down forever
君の明日は What color?
What color are your tomorrow?
不吉な声でカラスが鳴いた あれは僕が君の空に放した
That crow roared in a sinister voice I let it in your sky
青い鳥なのかもしれないね 美しい羽だった
It might be a blue bird, it was a beautiful feather
A blue bird has turned into a crow
A blue bird has turned into a crow
I lost my beautiful feathers
I lost my beautiful feathers
わかり合おうとすればするほど なぜ僕たちは傷つけ合ってしまう?
The more you try to understand why will we hurt you?
痛みがたった一つだけの 通じ合えるもの 分かち合えるものかな
I wonder if we can share what one painfully communicates with
せめて同じ空を見れたらと 君の肩を引き寄せてはみても
Even if you try drawing at your shoulder at least you can see the same sky
そこにはふたつの月がならぶ お互いを知らないまま
There are two moons lined up without knowing each other
Black or White 月蝕の夜
Black or White the twin moon is
Love or Not 待ち続ける
Love or Not shine brutally