Translation of the song Mariner artist Sardinian & Corsican Folk
Mariner, bon mariner, Deu vos dongui abundància,
Sailor, good sailor, may God grant you abundance
haveu vist i coneixut el meu amador de França?
have you seen and met my lover from France?
Jo l'he vist i l'he parlat i una ambaixada m'ha dat,
I've seen and spoken to him, he delegated to me
Que vos cerqueu altro amor
that you're looking for another love.
I fa set anys jo he esperat, i altros set l'espero encara
And seven years I waited, and another seven I'll wait
Si en aqueixos set no ve, monja m'ha troba posada,
if in these seven he doesn't come, he'll find me as a nun
Monja del monestir sant que te el nom de Santa Clara
a nun in a monastery named after Saint Clara,
si en aqueixos set no ve, monja me troba posada.
if in these seven he doesn't come, he'll find me as a nun.
I si vos us poseu monja, jo me posaré fraret
And if she becomes a nun, I'll become a monk
I al convent de la Mercè vos prengaré en confessió.
and I'll take you in confession in the Convent of Mercy
I si vos us feu fraret, jo me faré una anguileta,
and if he becomes a monk, I'll turn into an eel
Jo me faré una anguileta i me n'anigaré nedant.
I'll turn into an eel and I'll swim away.
I si vos us feu anguileta, jo me faré pescador,
And if she turns into an eel, I'll become a fisherman
jo me faré pescador i vos prengaré pescant,
I'll become a fisherman, and I'll take you fishing
I veniu vos la mia bella, que jo so lo vostro amant.
and so, come to me beloved, for I am your lover.