Translation of the song Què teniu vós lo fill meu artist Sardinian & Corsican Folk
Què teniu vós lo fill meu
How Are You, My Dear Son?
Què teniu vós lo fill meu
How are you, my dear son
que porteu tal mal la cara?
Why do you have such a dour expression on your face?
L'altro dia me soc ferit
The other day I was hurt
i la sang me s'és girada.
And my blood has been polluted.
Maleït lo barber
God curse the barber
que ferida vos ha dada.
Who has dared to harm you!
No maleïu lo barber
Do not curse the barber,
que el barber no en té culpa.
For he isn't to blame at all.
Mare mia feu-me lo llit
My dear mother, prepare my bed
que no estic tanta bé.
For I am not feeling well.
Entreu vos, o lo fill meu,
Come in, oh my dear son;
entreu a la vostra aposento
Come into your room,
on veureu vostra muller
Where you shall find your wife
que ha parit un bell fill mascle.
Who has given birth to a male child.
No m'empolta de ma muller
I don't care about my wife
i ni manco mon fill mascle
And I won't even look at my male child,
que no'l veuré mai cavaller
For I won't ever see him become a knight
ni enfilant un punt de llança.
Or throw a spear.
Mare mia feu-me lo llit,
My dear mother, prepare my bed;
feu-me el llit i confesseu-me
Prepare my bed and give me the rite of confession
que entre mi i lo meu cavall
For, between my horse and I,
portem vint-i-nou llançades.
We have received over twenty nine spear wounds.
Lo cavall ne porta vint
The horse has taken twenty hits,
jo les nou ben donades;
And I took the nine which are mortal;
jo moriré a mitjanit,
I shall die at midnight,
lo meu cavall a les albes.
And my horse will die at dawn.
No ploreu dona Franzina
Do not cry, Lady Franzina,
que a mi toca de plorar:
For I am the one who should do so:
vos trobareu un altro marit,
You shall find another husband,
jo altro fill no'l trobaré.
But I won't find another son!