Translation of the song Vendetta artist Sardinian & Corsican Folk
Canto as sufridu pro me, o mama mia,
How much you have suffered, oh dear mom,
in cussu tempus de istratziu profundu
in those days of deep grief,
cando sa vida an leadu a frade meu
when they took my brother's life
sentz’aer fattu ne arte ne dannu.
although he committed no fraud nor damage.
Fit un anzone suende dae sa mama
He was like a lamb, sucking from his mother
cun su latte in sa bucca falende,
and with milk dripping in his mouth,
fit su fiore chi s’accerat riende
he was like a flower that blooms smiling
a su toccu 'e sa prima campana.
with the ring of the first bell.
Non si podiat supportare
It was impossible to bear
tantu dolore, o mama mia,
such a pain, oh dear mom,
deo lu depia ischerveddare
I had to smash his head
e l’apo fattu a petta 'ìa
so I tore his flesh to pieces.
Mori tue puru 'e manu mia,
Die you too by my hand,
non ti perdono mai
I’ll never forgive you
ca as mortu a frade meu (x2)
since you've killed my brother (x2)
Su coro tou est distruttu, mama mia,
Your heart is broken, dear mom,
però issu non depiat campare.
but he shouldn't live.
In sa galera podiat pane mandigare,
Within a jail he could eat bread,
frade meu mandigat terra ebbìa.
my brother only eats the ground.
Sambene sardu si ribellat e lu depia
Sardinian blood arises, and I had
pro'nde facher vendetta chircare.
to search for him to take vengeance.
Fit frade meu e fizu tou, o mama mia,
He was my brother and your son, my dear mom,
s’assassinu depiat pagare.
the murderer had to pay.
Non si podiat supportare
It was impossible to bear
tantu dolore, o mama mia,
such a pain, oh dear mom,
deo lu depia ischerveddare
I had to smash his head
e l’apo fattu a petta 'ìa
so I tore his flesh to pieces.
Mori tue puru 'e manu mia,
Die you too by my hand,
non ti perdono mai
I’ll never forgive you
ca as mortu a frade meu (x2)
since you've killed my brother (x2)