Translation of the song Tvoje suze mi sude artist Oliver Dragojević

Croatian (Chakavian dialect)

Tvoje suze mi sude

English translation

Your Tears Judge Me

Listam svoja sjećanja, stakla lipih boja,

I turn the pages of my memories, which are glasses of lovely colours,

slikam dobra lica,

I paint nice faces,

a slika je uvik tvoja

but it is always your painting.

Živin u svom svitu

I live in my own world,

u skrovištu od pakla,

in the shelter made of hell,

gledan jude di trče

I look people running around,

a nijedan se nije maka

but none of them has moved.

I pisma pišen često

And I often write the letters,

a nikad ih ne šaljen

but I never send them,

jer u njima pišen uvik isto,

because I always write the same,

da je kasno

that it is late,

i da se kajen

and that I repent,

I svaku svoju grubu rič

and each rough word that I said,

vragu sada dajen

now I give it to the devil.

Tvoje suze mi sude

Your tears judge me,

šta san cili život kra

for stealing for whole my life,

jer san čuva srce svoje

because I was sparing my own heart

a tebi ga nisan da

and did not give it to you

Tvoje suze mi sude

Your tears judge me

jer san to zaslužija

because I have deserved it

a kapja kad poteče

and when the tear goes down my face

u dušu me zapeče

it burns my soul,

ka i otrov ubija

it kills me like poison,

jer san te izgubija

because I have lost you

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