Translation of the song Više ne mogu artist Oliver Dragojević

Croatian (Chakavian dialect)

Više ne mogu

English translation

I Can't Anymore

Odavno krijem se od ljudi,

Since long ago I've been hiding from people,

i pijem, a bol mi kida grudi,

and drinking, and the pain is ripping my chest,

i više ne mogu, zalud trudin se,

and I can't anymore, I make an effort in vain,

život i nije život bez tebe.

it's not a life without you.

Otkad ti si s drugin ja se nisan maka s mista,

Ever since you are with another man I didn't move from my place,

i kad druge ljubin to nije radost ista,

and it's not the same joy when I kiss other women,

i toliko bola ovaj život mi je da,

and this life gives me so much pain,

bolje bi bilo da te nisan volija.

it'd be better if I didn't love you.

Oduvijek na zemlji čvrsto stojin,

Since forever I've been standing on the hard ground,

ti znaš da ničeg se ne bojin,

you know that I'm not afraid of anything,

al više ne mogu, zalud trudin se,

but I can't anymore, I make an effort in vain,

život i nije život bez tebe.

it's not a life without you.

Otkad ti si s drugin ja se nisan maka s mista,

Ever since you are with another man I didn't move from my place,

i kad druge ljubin to nije radost ista,

and it's not the same joy when I kiss other women,

i toliko bola ovaj život mi je da,

and this life gives me so much pain,

bolje bi bilo da te nisan volija.

it'd be better if I didn't love you.

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