Translation of the song Više nismo svoji artist Oliver Dragojević

Croatian (Chakavian dialect)

Više nismo svoji

English translation

We are not ourselves anymore

Blago tvom kušinu

Good to be your pillow

ča ti jubi lice

that kisses your face.

blago onom vinu

Good to be a wine

ča ti usne poji

that quenches your lips.

Nek ti taknu rame

Let you pat shoulder

oblaci i ptice

clouds and birds,

ne računaj na me

don't count on me

više nismo svoji

we are not ourselves anymore.

Svitlosti u nizu

Lights in a series

prostiru se lukom

outspreads the harbor

a nas magle grizu

and the fog bites us

sami smo ka škoji

we are alone like island.

Još te tiho diše

Still quiet breathing

misec takne rukom

moon touches by hand

iako više ne znam

although I don't know

više nismo svoji

we are not ourselves anymore.



Samo vitar svira

Just the wind is playing

note bez refrena

notes without refrain

prste tvoje dira

touches your fingers

čelo tvoje znoji

sweating your forehead.

Ka anđeo plavi

Like a blue angel

još si lipa žena

you are still a beautiful woman

ali ča mi vridi

but what does it worth for me

više nismo svoji

we are not ourselves anymore.

Gledam ih, ne tajim

I'm watching them, don't conceal

ponistre tvog stana

the windows of your place

i da od njih sjaji

and it shines from them

dok se srce dvoji

while the heart is doubting.

Gledam te u čudu

I'm watching you in wonder

život moj se grana

my life is branching

sve mi je zaludu

it's all in vain

više nismo svoji

we are not ourselves anymore.

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