Dimmi dove vai, che cosa fai?
Tell me where are you going, what are you doing?
Dimmi se lo sai. Mi hai fatto male: ahi
Tell me if you know. You've hurt me: ouch
Ma quanti anni hai? Io vivo alle Hawaii
How old are you? I live in Hawaii
Il deodorante spray lo compro alla CRAI
I buy the spray-on deodorant at the CRAI 1
E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia
And I want to go to Formia, to Formia 2
A farmi fare la cresta da Paparesta
To get a mohawk haircut from Paparesta 3
E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia
And I want to go to Formia, to Formia
A farmi fare la cresta
To get a mohawk haircut
Mai, fai, sai, per fare rima manca solo dai
Mai, fai, sai - the only other word that rhymes is dai 4
Ho una fascetta in pile con una scritta in braille
I've got a pile headband with something written in Braille
Che ho vinto alla SNAI col Galatasaray
That I won at the SNAI with the Galatasaray 5
Adesso mangio thai mentre mi guardo Sky
Now I'll eat something Thai while I watch Sky
Lo so, mi mancherai se gioco a shangai
I know, I'll miss you if I play mikado
E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia
And I want to go to Formia, to Formia
A farmi fare la cresta da Paparesta
To get a mohawk haircut from Paparesta
E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia
And I want to go to Formia, to Formia
A farmi fare la cresta
To get a mohawk haircut
Ahi, fai, sai, per fare rima manca solo dai
Ahi, 6 fai, sai - the only other word that rhymes is dai
E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia
And I want to go to Formia, to Formia
A farmi fare la cresta da Paparesta
To get a mohawk haircut from Paparesta
E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia
And I want to go to Formia, to Formia
A farmi fare la cresta...
To get a mohawk haircut...