Translation of the song Formia artist Nanowar of Steel



English translation


Dimmi dove vai, che cosa fai?

Tell me where are you going, what are you doing?

Dimmi se lo sai. Mi hai fatto male: ahi

Tell me if you know. You've hurt me: ouch

Ma quanti anni hai? Io vivo alle Hawaii

How old are you? I live in Hawaii

Il deodorante spray lo compro alla CRAI

I buy the spray-on deodorant at the CRAI 1

E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia

And I want to go to Formia, to Formia 2

A farmi fare la cresta da Paparesta

To get a mohawk haircut from Paparesta 3

E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia

And I want to go to Formia, to Formia

A farmi fare la cresta

To get a mohawk haircut

Mai, fai, sai, per fare rima manca solo dai

Mai, fai, sai - the only other word that rhymes is dai 4

Ho una fascetta in pile con una scritta in braille

I've got a pile headband with something written in Braille

Che ho vinto alla SNAI col Galatasaray

That I won at the SNAI with the Galatasaray 5

Adesso mangio thai mentre mi guardo Sky

Now I'll eat something Thai while I watch Sky

Lo so, mi mancherai se gioco a shangai

I know, I'll miss you if I play mikado

E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia

And I want to go to Formia, to Formia

A farmi fare la cresta da Paparesta

To get a mohawk haircut from Paparesta

E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia

And I want to go to Formia, to Formia

A farmi fare la cresta

To get a mohawk haircut

Ahi, fai, sai, per fare rima manca solo dai

Ahi, 6 fai, sai - the only other word that rhymes is dai

E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia

And I want to go to Formia, to Formia

A farmi fare la cresta da Paparesta

To get a mohawk haircut from Paparesta

E voglio andare a Formia, a Formia

And I want to go to Formia, to Formia

A farmi fare la cresta...

To get a mohawk haircut...

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