Translation of the song Allende artist Mario Benedetti
Para matar al hombre de la paz
para golpear su frente limpia de pesadillas
To kill the man of peace,
tuvieron que convertirse en pesadilla
to hit his forehead clean from nightmares,
para vencer al hombre de la paz
they had to become a nightmare.
tuvieron que congregar todos los odios
To defeat the man of peace,
y ademas los aviones y los tanques
they had to gather all the hatreds
para batir al hombre de la paz
and also the airplanes and the tanks.
tuvieron que bombardearlo hacerlo llama
To beat the man of peace,
porque el hombre de la paz era una fortaleza
they had to bomb him, set him in flames,
Para matar al hombre de la paz
To kill the man of peace,
tuvieron que desatar la guerra turbia
they had to unleash the turbulent war.
para vencer al hombre de la paz
To defeat the man of peace
y acallar su voz modesta y taladrante
and silence his modest and drilling voice,
tuvieron que empujar el terror hasta el abismo
they had to push terror to the abyss
y matar más para seguir matando
and kill more to keep killing.
para batir al hombre de la paz
To beat the man of peace,
tuvieron que asesinarlo muchas veces
they had to kill him many times,
porque el hombre de la paz era una fortaleza
because the man of peace was a fortress.
Para matar al hombre de la paz
To kill the man of peace,
tuvieron que imaginar que era una tropa
they had to imagine that it was a troop,
una armada una hueste una brigada
a navy, a mob, a brigade.
tuvieron que creer que era otro ejército
They had to believe that it was another army,
pero el hombre de la paz era tan sólo un pueblo
but the man of peace was only a people 2
y tenía en sus manos un fusil y un mandato
and he had in his hands a rifle and a mandate
y eran necesarios más tanques más rencores
and more tanks were needed, more grudges,
más bombas más aviones más oprobios
more bombs, more planes, more ignominies,
porque el hombre del paz era una fortaleza
because the man of peace was a fortress.
Para matar al hombre de la paz
To kill the man of peace,
para golpear su frente limpia de pesadillas
to hit his forehead clean from nightmares,
tuvieron que convertirse en pesadilla
they had to become a nightmare.
para vencer al hombre de la paz
To defeat the man of peace,
tuvieron que afiliarse para siempre a la muerte
they had to forever affiliate themselves with death,
matar y matar más para seguir matando
kill and kill more to continue killing
y condenarse a la blindada soledad
and condemn themselves to armored loneliness.
para matar al hombre que era un pueblo
To kill the man who was a people,2
tuvieron que quedarse sin el pueblo
they had to end up without the people.