Translation of the song أسرارنا artist Jamila Elbadaoui
Our secrets
Our secrets
خلها لنا
keep them for us
اياك تحكي عننا
don't you talk about us
لو زعلنا عادي نزعل
if we fight, it's okay to fight
هذي حاجة تخصنا
that's our business
مهما نجرح مهما نقسى
no matter how many times we hurt, no matter how many times we get tough
بكرة نرجع بكرة ننسى
tomorrow we will forget
واللي عنده اي نصيحة
and whoever has any advice
قله : يوفر لنفسه
tell him to keep it to himself
عادي اجرحني ولوم
it's okay if you hurt me or blame me
بس لا تتركني يوم
but don't you ever leave me
اي طرف ثالث تأكد
any third party, be sure
ما وراه الا هموم
they're only trouble
يعز علي
I can't take it
لو صار شي
if something happens
الناس تشمت بك وبي
and people gloat on you and me
المحبة اخلاق افهم
understand that love is manners
وانتا أغلى حاجة لي
and you're the most precious thing to me
عشرتك لا ما تهووون
our lifetime together matters a lot
شلتها جووا العيون
I hold it within my eyes
واللي جوك اليوم جوني
and those who came to you came to me today
بس احكي ? يحلمون
but would I talk? they wish
مالنا الا بعضنا
we've only got each other
جنه جنه/نار نار
heaven heaven/hell hell
مو مهم من فينا أخطأ
it doesn't matter who's wrong
لك بقدم اعتذار
I apologize to you