Translation of the song أنا artist Maya Diab
بيعذبني و انا بهواه
He tortures me while I love him
بيدوبني ما فيي بلاه
He melts me and I have no one but him
و بيقهرني ولا على بالو
and He upsets me without minding
و بيحكيني حكي قاسي
and he speaks with me with bitter words
بعدا بيعمل حالو ناسي
and after all of that; he forgets
عم يقتلني ولا على بالو
He is Killing me without minding
انا انا انا شو كان بدي فيه
I, I, what did I need him for!
انا انا انا ما بحمل بيكي
I, I, I Can't bear crying anymore
انا انا انا ما بيلبقلي كون زعلاني
It doesn't suit me to be upset all time
He's torturing me............
بقولو عليي عم يتقلّ
(people) say he's teasing you
تاركني و منوا عم يسأل
when he's leaving me, and not asking about me
ولا عم بمرؤ بقا بخيالو
and I'm not even passing in his thoughts
بعرف انو ما عم يهدى
I know he won't come along
و غيرو بقلبي ما بدي حدا
no one in my heart but him, I Don't want no one
و مش رح صدق انا شو ما قالوا
AND I Won't believe whatever people Say.