Translation of the song حبيت نمشي سوا artist Maya Diab
حبيت نمشي سوا
I Yearned for Walking Together
وديت قلبي و عنيا
I brought my heart and my eyes
لعندك وديت
To you, I brought them
صليت تبقى الحنية بعيونك
I prayed for tenderness to remain in your eyes
I prayed
ومديت صوبك ايديا
And I reached out my hand towards you
ايديا مديت
I reached out my hand
وغنيت اجمل غنية
And I sang the most beautiful song
لأسمك غنيت
For your name I sang
حبيت نمشي سوا
I yearned for walking together
تمنيت يبقي الهوا
And wished for the love to remain
حسيت انت الدوا لقلبي
I sensed that you are the remedy for my heart
I sensed it
ياريت تجمعنا سوا ياهوا
Oh love, I wish you would unite us
I wish
ما عطيت قلبي لحدا
I never gave my heart to someone
من بعده ما عطيت
Other than him, never gave it
وخبيت بحلمي الغفا
And I hid the sleep in my dream
والدفا خبيت
And the warmth, I hid it
وحطيت بقلبي الوفا والأمل
And I placed loyalty and hope in my heart
I placed them